The Exhibit Committee arranges and holds an exhibit known as "The Hazard Communication Management Products Display." This exhibit features vendors of products that aid SCHC members in the creation and maintenance of information for hazard communication. This exhibit is held once a year at the Annual meeting.
Prepare an Exhibit each year to allow Society members to interact with commercial product/service providers to help meet their hazard communication needs. A contract is prepared for sponsorship and exhibit opportunities, along with an invitation, that is distributed to those one the exhibitor contact list. It is intended that this is distributed at least six months prior to the annual meeting with reminders. The committee should keep watch for potential companies who should be added to the exhibitor distribution list. During the meeting, the exhibit hall should be monitored to assure only paid meeting registrants are permitted to access the exhibit area and participate in the reception. Assure that the exhibitor listing is available on the website at least 45 days prior to the Annual Meeting. The Committee Chair is to maintain records of committee meetings, i.e., minutes, list of members, final work products, etc., and transfer these materials to any new Chair at times of transition.