Member Engagement (formerly Outreach)
The mission of the Society for Chemical Hazard Communication’s Member Engagement Committee is to encourage and engage membership by seeking out and providing professionals with the news, tools, and resources members and potential members can use to become successful hazard communication professionals. Our goal is to understand the needs of our current and anticipated audience to foster participation and longevity within the organization.
The committee also publishes the Newsletter, which reports on SCHC meetings and business activities and provides information on items of interest to the HazCom community. The Newsletter is published monthly and accepts articles from all SCHC members pending review. The committee manages the social media pages of the organization, including LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. We also manage the Speakers Bureau and the website.
Organization of the Committee
The committee is organized into subcommittees. Each subcommittee has a chair. The committees are as follows:
Membership - Deniz Doolan, Chair The membership subcommittee focuses on Member activities. They organize the member dinners at the annual meetings (when they’re in person) and other fun activities. They also are in charge of member awards (revamping the awards, accepting and reviewing nominations, deciding on award winners.)
Newsletter - Janelly Ricardo, Chair The Newsletter subcommittee handles the monthly newsletter. They write articles, find news items, and review the final newsletter for approval.
Outreach / Marketing - Kelsey Squelch, Chair The Outreach and Marketing Subcommittee has two main foci. The outreach side is focused around the speaker’s bureau and getting more information about the organization outside our group. The other side of the subcommittee is focused on marketing. They are currently working on video offerings that will allow the organization to better spread the word of the work we do and all that we offer as a professional society.
Social Media - Janelly Ricardo, Chair The Social Media subcommittee handles all the social media for the organization. This includes posts to Linked In, Facebook, and Twitter. They also help ensure that news gets posted to our various pages and uses those pages to keep in touch with members.
Web - Janelly Ricardo, Chair The newest subcommittee, this group is focused on improving the look and feel of our website. They are currently working on improving what is currently posted but is also going to be looking to the future for more ways of making the website helpful to our members and easier to navigate.
The Member Engagement Committee accepts contributions for its monthly newsletter and has prepared Guidelines regarding Best Practices for Using SCHC Issued Monthly Newsletter. You may submit items for consideration to [email protected]. View the full guidelines here.
Committee Resources
Hazcom Training for Schools Presentation Bundle
SCHC Elevator Pitch - help us spread the word about SCHC!
Download the Society for Chemical Hazard Communication brochure
Hazard Communicator - Background and Career Opportunities: Defines what a Hazard Communicator's responsibilities are, helpful education to become a Hazard Communicator, and the jobs associated in the field of HazCom. Download flyer
GHS Speakers’ Bureau Information
Future Resources: link to Society video
Committee Meeting Information:
The committee meets by teleconference on the last Thursday of each month from 11:00am-Noon (EST/EDT). New members are welcome! Contact the committee chairs with suggestions and comments or to join the teleconference.