Professional Development

Vice Chair: [TBD]
Board Liaison: Allan Jemi-Alade 
Identify and discuss issues related to professional development in chemical hazard communication. Present professional development courses in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. Make recommendations for activities or programs to provide increased development opportunities.

Committee Resources:

List of SCHC Professional Development Courses

Submit a course proposal!

In-Person Course Proposal Form
Webinar Proposal Form
Distance Learning Course Proposal Form

Professional Development Recognition Awards - view the list of recipients 

SCHC Travel Information 


The PDC Identifies and discusses issues related to professional development for the SCHC membership, making recommendations for activities or programs to provide increased development opportunities.  

Where the term “course” or “courses” appears in these Standard Practices, that term should be interpreted as in-person courses, online webinars, seminars, distance learning and recorded events, as appropriate, unless specified or excepted elsewhere in the Standard Practices. 

The Professional Development Committee performs the following primary functions:

  1. Identifies the need for professional development courses or other training opportunities.
  2. Approves new or revised courses, and notifies the SCHC Board of Directors (BOD) of new or updated course offerings.
  3. Develops or facilitates development of approved courses.
  4. Schedules and communicates availability of courses.
  5. Reviews the reception and delivery of all offered courses.